1st place
Grand Prize Winner
2nd place
Second Place Prize
3rd place
Third Place Prize
4th place
Fourth Place Prize
Prize list is optional. Show as many or as few prizes as needed.
How to play:
Complete the registration form to obtain your Username & Password.
Bracket Prediction
Submit your Bracket Prediction for all (63) games in the Men's College Basketball Tournament between Sunday 3/16/25 & Thursday 3/20/25 at Noon ET.
The (4) play-in games on Tuesday 3/18/25 & Wednesday 3/19/25 are byes.
Leader Board
Visit our Leader Board throughout the tournament to view your results & standings.
Leader Board

Scoring Method
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

» Points = Round:
  • 1 point for each correct pick in Round 1
  • 2 points for each correct pick in Round 2
  • 3 points for each correct pick in Round 3
  • 4 points for each correct pick in Round 4
  • 5 points for each correct pick in Round 5
  • 6 points for the correct Champion

Picks Deadline
3/20/2025 12:00:00 PM 3/20/2025 12:00:00 PM 3/20/2025 12:00:00 PM

******************************************SAMPLE RULESThese sample rules are provided as a boiler plate for you tostart with. They are provided only as a convenience and are not meant to be used as a final product. It is your responsibility to make sure the final set of rules is correct.Pooltracker may have separate verbiage in addition to thefinal set of rules you approve for your pool.Please remove this section from the final set of rules.These rules should be html formatted.******************************************BRACKET CHALLENGE

The Registration Process
Each player must complete the registration process to become eligible to play.The registration is a simple process that involves age and email verification,contact information, screen name creation, and password selection. Once youcreate a username (your email address), choose a password, and select yourscreen name, you will then be given the opportunity to play the BracketChallenge game.

Tournament Information
The Men's NCAA College Basketball Tournament runs from Thursday March 20th,2008 through Monday April 7th, 2008. On Sunday March 16th, 2008, the NCAASelection Committee will announce the bracket pairings for the first roundgames. There will be one "play-in" game on Tuesday March 18th. Thewinner of this game qualifies for the final spot in the 2008 Men's NCAA CollegeBasketball Tournament. By Wednesday morning, Pooltracker will have the completebracket pairings available for all players. At this time, each player will beallowed to login and make their selections for the entire bracket for theBracket Challenge.

The Bracket Challenge (Pick In Advance) Game
All of the Bracket Challenge picks will be displayed for selection on 1 page.This makes it easy for the player to see things on the whole. Once logged in,you can view your Bracket Challenge bracket, view an updated bracket (with theactual winners). Anyone who makes a confirmed perfect (all picks correct)bracket in advance of the tournament matching all of the actual tournamentwinners will receive "the prize" or a split portion of "the prize" if multiplepeople win.

Making Selections

  • Each player will be allowed to make picks 24/7 leading up to the scheduled tip-off of the first game of the first round.
  • Once the first game has started for the tournament, you will not be able to make selections.
  • Making your selections is extremely easy.
  • For every match, there will be two teams available to be selected.
  • Simply choose the team you think will win the match and select the team from the pull down selection options for that game.
  • Upon selecting all the games, you can then click on the "Submit Picks" button.
  • You will get a message that also confirms your selections with a time/date stamp.
  • You can see your confirmed picks for the whole tournament by clicking on the "View / Print Picks" link on the top of the page.

All of the players playing in the Bracket Challenge game will use the samescoring method. Each round has a specified point value for correct winningselections. (See the Scoring Method section above.) Each Player will have pointscore for every round, and a total point score (this is the total points earnedfor all rounds in the tournament). Players are ranked according to theircumulative point score. Players are ranked on the standings page, which can beaccessed via the "Standings" link at the top of most pages on thewebsite. The player with the most points at the end of the Bracket Challengewill win game.

Selecting Teams Close To The Deadline
Any player attempting to make team selections close to the deadline, risks thechance of not getting in his/her changes on time. We are not responsible forlate entries, server congestion, faulty Internet connections, etc., which maycause the changes to your roster to not be made.

Special Reserved Rights
Any player caught or suspected of system tampering, game interference orbreaking our terms and conditions, may be removed without refund from the siteat any time and without notice. Sponsor also reserves the right to pursue legaland criminal action upon those member(s).

Winning The Bracket Challenge Game
Players are ranked according to their cumulative point score. The player withthe most points at the end of the game (See the schedule) wins. The player withthe highest number of cumulative points at the end of the season wins the grandprize (if stated or offered). In the event of a tie between two (2) or moreentries, the winning entry will be determined by the following tiebreakers, inorder of listing:

Tiebreaker #1 - Closest predicted score of championship game (Eithertotal for game or for each team, depending on the contest selection.)

Tiebreaker #2 - Earliest datestamp of picks

In all cases, an entry that does not win a tiebreaker is eliminated fromconsideration. Odds of winning prizes depend on the total number of eligibleentries received and the relative College Hoops knowledge of all entrants.

Important Winner Information
All prize winners may be required to submit valid identification includingtheir photo, social security number, and legal identification to Sponsor and toexecute an affidavit of eligibility and a liability/publicity release withinthirty (30) days following first attempted notification. They will also berequired complete tax Form 1099-M in order to comply with Federal and State taxlaws. Failure to comply within this time period may result in disqualificationand awarding of the prize to the entrant with the next highest score.Contestants agree to Sponsor's use of their names and likeness for advertisingand publicity purposes, without additional compensation, unless prohibited bylaw. All federal, state and local laws and regulations apply. Taxes are thesole responsibility of the winners. Prizes are not transferable and must beaccepted as awarded, no cash equivalents, no substitutes.

It is the responsibility of the Entrant to keep all mailing and e-mailinformation up-to-date and accurate. Winners should allow up to 6-8 weeks afterthey return their signed, notarized affidavit to receive their prize. Prize isnot transferable. No prize substitution except at Sponsor's sole discretion dueto prize unavailability for any reason and only then for prize of comparablevalue. Sponsor reserves the right to award the actual cash equivalent of anyprize in lieu of the prize itself. Prize returned as undeliverable or otherwisenot claimed within fourteen (14) days after being sent will be forfeited andawarded to an alternate winner. All entries will be declared made by the registereduser of the e-mail address.

By accepting a prize, the winner grants permission to Sponsor and Promoter(which permission shall be confirmed in writing upon the request of Sponsorand/or Promoter) to use their names, photographs, likeness, voices, prizeinformation and/or biographical information for publicity, advertising, tradeand promotional purposes at any time or times, worldwide and on the World WideWeb without further compensation, or notice, review or approval, unlessprohibited by law. If a winner is disqualified, an alternate winner will beselected. Sponsor is only obligated to contact a single alternate. In allinstances in which Sponsor notifies, or seeks to deliver a prize to orotherwise attempts to contact an alternate winner, if such alternate winner isunavailable or disqualified or if the prize is returned as undeliverable,within the time frames otherwise allotted for the initially selected winner,then Sponsor may choose either not to award the prize or to donate it to anotherperson or entity, in its sole discretion.


Winners will be notified by e-mail or regular mail within 30 (30) days afterthe date the winners are determined and may be required to sign and return anaffidavit of eligibility and acceptance of these legal restrictions and apublicity/liability release (unless prohibited by law) within fifteen (15) daysfollowing attempted notification. Failure to comply with this requirement mayresult in disqualification and selection of an alternate winner. Any prizenotification returned as undeliverable may result in disqualification andselection of an alternate winner.

This Game may not be used in connection with any form of gambling. The Gameis strictly for entertainment purposes only.

Sponsor is not responsible for lost, late or misdirected on-line entries ortransactions, for incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete entry information whethercaused by a contestant, equipment, or technical malfunction or for any humanerror, technical error or malfunctions. Sponsor reserves the right to halt ormodify the contest at any time during the contest period if events beyond theircontrol compromise the contest's fairness or integrity. In the event that ascheduled game is canceled or preempted for any reason, no points will beawarded for that day on the affected basketball teams.

Sponsor is not responsible for typographical or other human or technicalerrors in the offer or administration of this contest, including but notlimited to errors in advertising, the Official Rules, the selection andannouncement of the winner or the distribution of the prizes.

Sponsor, in its sole discretion, may disqualify any entrant fromparticipating in the contest, refuse to award points or prizes, and require thereturn of any prizes, if entrant engages in any conduct Sponsor deems to beimproper, unfair or otherwise adverse to the operation of the contest ordetrimental to other entrants. Such improper conduct includes, but is notlimited to, falsifying personal information required during contestregistration or prize claim, violating any term or condition stated herein,accumulating points or prizes through methods such as automated computerscripts or other programming techniques, allowing others to use the entrant'spersonal information for the purpose of accumulating points or prizes,tampering with Sponsor's administration of this promotion, or intentionallytrying to defraud, reverse engineer, disassemble, recompile or otherwise tamperwith the computer programs on this Web site. Entrant further acknowledges thatthe forfeiture of prize(s) and/or return of any prize(s) shall in no wayprevent Sponsor from pursuing other avenues of recourse such as criminal orcivil proceedings in connection with such conduct.

Sponsor reserves the right to modify these rules for clarification purposeswithout materially affecting the terms and conditions of the contest. Thiscontest is not affiliated with or endorsed by the NCAA or any NCAA basketballteam. This is a skill contest designed to increase consumer awareness of andinterest in Sponsor contests and college basketball. This contest may not beused for any form of gambling.

Internet Problems
If for any reason the Internet portion of the program is not capable of runningas planned, including infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, terrorism,work stoppage, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or anyother causes beyond the control of Sponsor which corrupt or affect theadministration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of thiscontest, Sponsor reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to disqualify anyindividual who tampers with the entry process, and to cancel, terminate, modifyor suspend the contest. In such event, Sponsor further reserves the right toaward prizes to the players with the most points as of the termination date.

Technology Problems
Sponsor assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption,deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications linefailure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, or alteration of,entries or transactions. Sponsor is not responsible for any problems or technicalmalfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems,servers, or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any e-mailentry or transaction to be received on account of technical problems or trafficcongestion on the Internet or at any Web site, or any combination thereof,including any injury or damage to participant's or any other person's computerrelated to or resulting from participation or downloading any materials in thiscontest.

Conduct and Decisions
By participating in the Contest, participantsagree to be bound by the decisions of Sponsor personnel. Persons who violate any rule, gain unfair advantage in participating in the Contest, or obtain winner status using fraudulent means will be disqualified. Unsportsmanlike, disruptive, annoying, harassing or threatening behavior is prohibited. The Sponsor will interpret these rules and resolve any disputes, conflicting claims or ambiguitiesconcerning the rules or the Contest and the Sponsor's decisions concerning such disputes shall be final. If the conduct or outcome of the Contest is affected by human error, any mechanicalmalfunctions or failures of any kind, intentional interference or any event beyond the control of the Sponsor, the Sponsor reserves the right to terminatethis Contest, or make such other decisions regarding the outcome as the Sponsordeems appropriate. All decisions will bemade by the Sponsor and are final. The Sponsor may waive any of these rules in its sole discretion. ANY ATTEMPT BY A CONTESTANT OR ANY OTHERINDIVIDUAL TO DELIBERATELY CIRCUMVENT, DISRUPT OR DAMAGE ORDINARY AND NORMAL OPERATION OF THIS CONTEST, TELEPHONE SYSTEMS OR WEBSITE, OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THE CONTEST IS A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS AND SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, COMPANY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEEK DAMAGES FROM ANY SUCH PARTICIPATE TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW.

In the event of a dispute, entries made by Internet will be declared made bythe authorized account holder of the e-mail address submitted at time of entry."Authorized account holder" is defined as the natural person who isassigned to an e-mail address by an Internet access provider, on-line serviceprovider or other organization (e.g., business, educational institution, etc.)that is responsible for assigning e-mail addresses for the domain associatedwith the submitted e-mail address.

In the event that any legal or regulatory authority challenges the contest, Sponsorreserves the right to discontinue or modify the Contest, or to disqualifyparticipants residing in the affected geographic areas. In such event, Sponsorshall have no liability to any players who are disqualified due to such anaction.

Additional Information
Prizes will only be awarded to entries whose accounts are paid in full ifapplicable. Winners of $600 or more during a calendar year must furnish aSocial Security Number before payment is issued. Any delinquent account over 14days will be dropped from the league. Any entry that is incomplete, late, doesnot include a validly issued User ID will be disqualified. You must be 21 yearsor older to participate.

Sponsor reserves the right to use all entrants' names for publicity. Winnersautomatically grant to Sponsor, and their affiliated businesses and sponsors,the right to use their name and likeness in advertising and promotion of thisevent without further permission or compensation. Residents of Missouri are notrequired to comply with the terms of this paragraph.

Email Change Of Address Policy
It is the sole responsibility of the Entrant to notify the Sponsor if his orher email address changes.

Sponsor, and this Web site, are in no way connected with, affiliated with orendorsed by the NCAA, or any of its affiliated teams, players, or playersunion. All references to any professional basketball name or term is purelynominative and not intended to imply connection affiliation or endorsement.